Showing posts with label Preparing for NaNoWriMo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preparing for NaNoWriMo. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2017

NaNoWriMo Thoughts, Feelings, and Tips


One day, I will get this blogging thing back to its hay day. In the meantime, I'll keep on keeping on. I've had a lot of new releases, and more to come. But I'm most happy that I've kept writing through the worst year I've had since...a long time.

Okay, NaNoWriMo is a huge writing online camp. You do fun things, reach out, meet up with peeps you might never have become connected to otherwise. I've become a part of a group that is so positive and means a lot. New for me. But I think, that in the hoopla of reaching that 50k words written goal, people forget the purpose. The purpose is to get you to write, to stretch your  comfort zone, to reach for a goal that might seem impossible. Now, it doesn't show it on NaNo stats because I didn't remember to finalize the official word count, but I've only lost one year that I've done it.

That's not to brag. In fact, I had to work very hard to do it with all that's going on. The thing is, use NaNo to do what you need it to do. I use it to get back into the habit of making writing a priority. If you don't win, but you wrote at least 5 days a week, you're a huge winner. You now have words you didn't have before. If you're a new writer, this is especially important. The first couple hundred thousand words you write tend to not be your best. LOL

Since I've made 50k words this year outside of NaNo, I've made a stretch goal of 75-100k. That's insane, but I'm at 38,627 and I haven't written yet today. (Too bad can't count blog and emails! lol I'd be way over my 100k mark :P). Do you see that number? I've been ill, my kids have been ill, I've had no money (can't go to write ins, stress of power being turned off, etc.), and multiple hours spent at doctor's offices, and I've still managed. How? I've worked late at night, cut sleep back to 6 hours...if I'm lucky. Remember those sick kids? Sigh.

In case you're new here, I have 5 kids, one grandkid, and one daughter in law. I have three still at home, and they are all in different schools. They have been bringing something home from each school, and like good little kids, have shared with everyone. I've not gone one whole week without someone being sick. I'm ready for it to be done now. ANYWAY.

The point is to push yourself further than you believed possible, to make yourself go. I had to change strides. The one I was on just wasn't coming. I have more wordage on the shorts (I'm putting together something for Carina, cross fingers) that were supposed to be extras than on my main project. However, the new project is moving along nicely. I hope to really push it the last week. I'm also hoping to get some write in time, time away from family responsibility to really focus on my writing. But even if that doesn't happen, I am going to make my 50k goal. I am probably going to make the 75k goal. The real stretch will be that 100k goal. Who needs sleep :P

For those who have struggled in the past, here's a past blog post with some helpful hints and tips to make it through a successful NaNo!

Don't forget, the biggest plus is learning how to consistently put out words, regardless of the count! The new friends, reconnect with old friends, is just a bonus!

As a closing, I'd like to remind everyone, I have a new tagline for my artistic life and a youtube channel (Only have one video, but have started the planning for more. It's a learning curve for me. LOL), and I've put out quite a few books available across many venues, and continuing to add more books to more venues. To keep up on everything, you can sign up for my newsletter on the side bar, or here.

That tagline? The Next Leonardo da Vinci. Or, The Next Leona-rdo da Vinci.

The newsletter encompasses art and writing, and any other skill I want to show off, but mainly art and writing. Please, come follow me! When I get to where I want to be, it'll be once a week. Right now, I'm working hard for once a month. :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

NaNoWriMo Classic top ten

Buy now, if you've followed me for very long, you know I'm a bit of a NaNo enthusiast. My first year, it literally saved my sanity. Now, it may very well stretch it, but I digress. NaNo pros and cons can be seen everywhere. quickly, before I post my top ten list, I'd like to give you a reason. If you're a writer, published or not, the only way you'll make it is to develop good writing habits. Every year, by the time NaNo rolls around, my habits have deteriorated to the point of hellacious, despite writing partners, contracts, etc. (Oh, didn't you hear, I have a 15 book contract for War of the Weres. Go me! :D So excited. But *ahem*)

This helps me get back into the rhythm of writing every day or goal per week. *More on that in the top ten* and it keeps me on track! Now some people can get all fancy shmancy and use those word counters. I haven't figured it out yet. Heck, it took me two years to figure out how to use bloggers easy interface traffic counter. I love watching my little green bar rise to tell me I'm hitting a goal. For no other reason, this makes NaNoWriMo a terrific tool for me. Okay, that's enough about me. What about you? Okay, so there will be more about me, but it's to benefit you. Here is my list of top ten things for NaNo, and more importantly, WHY they're in the top ten.

1) Turn off your inner editor. I know. sucks. Make notes. Word commenter system worked wonders for me (one of the things I learned my first year:)

2) Breathe. This may seem obvious, but think of the stress you get under pressure. This is the worst kind of pressure-the pressure to create. An intimate act that you are doing that you hope will eventually be printed by strangers and loved the world over. Or at least by enough people to keep you in ink and pepsi. (Uh, no Pepsi doesn't pay me for product placement. I live on the rez. Some stereotypes hold true.)

3) Find a rhythm. A pattern. Whatever your pattern is. It helps me to twitter/blog and get my brain going. It gives my kids a chance to remember all that, oh yeah mom, I forgot to tell you stuff, and I'm hungry whines, and get it all out of the way. Then, when writing is underway, I can say with total assurance, I took care of this or that. That was my pattern. It helped. You may need to stay off the internet and use it as a reward. You know yourself. If you don't, you have a week to figure it out.

4) Quit freaking out about the word goal. It's not really that high. You may need to push yourself out of that comfort zone you've been in, but just do it. (Nike's not paying me either. Maybe I should apply?)

5) Make your daily word count based on weekdays or in other words, a 5 day week. That does two things. One, you have two days off if you succeed and you can look forward to that. It allows for birthday parties, school functions, what ever you need those two days for. Two, it gives you those days to make up something you missed because you got a flat tire on the way to a write-in (I had three flat tires during my short stay in Texas...they're ALWAYS doing roadwork) or your kids' teacher calls and wanted to know why they thought Duct tape was an awesome disciplinary tool.

6) Prep meals and TREATS ahead of time as much as possible. Freeze cookie dough, muffins, whatever it is that you and your family like, particularly if you or your family have a food allergy/preference (gluten/vegan comes to mind). They will feel less like you've abandoned them. I wasn't prepared my first year (yikes! Still not this year!), so the first week sucked, but I'm a quick learner. I spent one day prepping as many meals as I could for the next week. That included grocery shopping, and portioning out things in preparation. My first year was a real challenge because I had no oven or microwave-stove top only. A gas stove top. I'd never used a gas stove top before. I also had literally, 800/month for rent, power, and food for a family of six. Challenges. I've had them.

7) If you are having problems with the plot, or a chapter, write what you want to happen. I did this and before I knew it, I was writing again to the story. Granted, I had to edit out things later, but it kept my word count going and my stress level stopping. (Can you keep something stopping??? LOL)

8) Let no bad happen. If you can help it. I don't mean in your story. If you are writing horror. Write things as bad as you like. I mean, don't over stress the little things. Further, farther? OMG which is it? My story will suck now cuz I can't remember. Worst, worse? Everyone will think I'm an idiot. Okay, get the picture? QUIT IT. When this is over, I will steal a few wonderful language sites from edittorrent's grammar site and post them here so that you can fix it-LATER.

9) Keep networking. Keep talking to those people who have been your support all this time. It will relieve stress, give you companionship, and keep it all in good fun, which leads to my last rule.

10) Have fun. We're writers. Writing is fun. Yes it's hard work. Yes, it can tear us apart emotionally when things aren't loved by everybody and their dog PB. But over the top, it's fun. Why else would we do it? Half the time we are fighting sterotyping (that's not a REAL job & You're not Published? then you're not a REAL writer) and our families to buy the time we need. Not to mention jobs, illness, life's foibles. Why not have fun?

There you have it! I hope this helps you to a successful, enjoyable NaNoWriMo.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


YIKES I FORGOT TO POST MY TEN THINGS POST. *hangs head in shame* I will do it now. 1) Turn off your inner editor. I know. sucks. Make notes. Word commenter system worked wonders for me (one of the things I learned last year:)

2) Breathe. This may seem obvious, but think of the stress you get under pressure. This is the worst kind of pressure-the pressure to create. An intimate act that you are doing that you hope will eventually be printed by strangers and loved the world over. Or at least by enough people to keep you in ink and pepsi. (Uh, no Pepsi doesn't pay me for product placement. I live on the rez. Some stereotypes hold true.)

3) Find a rythym. A pattern. Whatever your pattern is. It helps me to twitter/blog and get my brain going. It gives my kids a chance to remember all that, oh yeah mom, I forgot to tell you stuff, and I'm hungry whines, and get it all out of the way. Then, when writing is underway, I can say with total assurance, I took care of this or that. That was my pattern. It helped. YOu may need to stay off the internet and use it as a reward. You know yourself. If you don't, you have a month to figure it out.

4) Quit freaking out about the word goal. It's not really that high. You may need to push yourself out of that comfort zone you've been in, but just do it. (Nike's not paying me either. Maybe I should apply?)

5) Make your daily word count based on weekdays/5 day week. That does two things. One, you have two days off if you succeed and you can look forward to that. It allows for birthday parties, school functions, what ever you need those two days for. Two, it gives you those days to make up something you missed because you got a flat tire on the way to a write-in or your kids' teacher calls and wanted to know why they thought Duct tape was an awesome disciplinary tool.

6) Prep meals and TREATS ahead of time as much as possible. Freeze cookie dough, muffins, whatever it is that you and your family like. They will feel less like you've abandoned them. I wasn't prepared last year, so the first week sucked, but I'm a quick learner. I spent one day prepping as many meals as I could for the next week. That included grocery shopping, and portioning out things in preperation. My first year was a real challenge because I had no oven or microwave-stove top only. A gas stove top. I'd never used a gas stove top before.

7) If you are having problems with the plot, or a chapter, write what you want to happen. I did this and before I knew it, I was writing again to the story. Granted, I had to edit out things later, but it kept my word count going and my stress level stopping. (Can you keep something stopping??? LOL)

8) Let no bad happen. If you can help it. I don't mean in your story. If you are writing horror. Write things as bad as you like. I mean, don't over stress the little things. Further, farther? OMG which is it? My story will suck now cuz I can't remember. Worst, worse? Everyone will think I'm an idiot. Okay, get the picture? QUIT IT. When this is over, I will steal a few wonderful language sites from edittorrent's grammar site and post them here so that you can fix it-LATER.

9) Keep networking. Keep talking to those people who have been your support all this time. It will relieve stress, give you companionship, and keep it all in good fun, which leads to my last rule.

10) Have fun. We're writers. Writing is fun. Yes it's hard work. Yes, it can tear us apart emotionally when things aren't loved by everybody and their dog PB. But over the top, it's fun. Why else would we do it? Half the time we are fighting sterotyping (that's not a REAL job & You're not Published? then you're not a REAL writer) and our families to buy the time we need. Not to mention jobs, illness, life's foibles. Why not have fun?

The original post for these is here and let me tell you, if you're doubting yourself or your ability, you really need to read it. Nano is what really put me into the writing groove and helped make it a priority. It's a little late to prepare all this BEFORE NaNoWriMo starts, but at least you can do them now.

Good luck with your endeavors this month. Who's with me?? :D:D:D:D

Nano! Nano! Nano! Nano!