Thursday, October 9, 2014

Art Post with Sheri Velarde and myself - Progress

So, I looked at my month for October and saw it was full of editing, and some writing. But I had to find a way to make sure I didn't drop my art as has happened so many times in the past. I lose some skill when I go weeks or months without even drawing. I decided to do 30 paintings in 30 days. I have a cheerleader, another artist who is thinking of tagging along, and another artist who is doing one larger one a week, and one other writer/artist who is doing this with me. I have through day for done by day three...and then the inevitable, I have five million hours of work to get done in 72 happened. But, you know what? Since I'm doing this, I'm now heading to my art cave instead of playing on FB all day. Though I am sure I could use the break, painting is a break! Besides, because of the challenge, I got two small pieces commissioned. I happened to have two small canvases I bought with me when we went to get coffee.

In the meantime, Sundays she will be blogging here (and she's much better at the schedule than I!). She even blogged yesterday when it was my day LOL

Here are her pics (She's up to day 13!):

I am still on day five, though that will change by end of day.

Sheri has an etsy shop where some of this has already started to appear. She also has a FB artist page for you to watch her doings. She does more than paint!

I have an etsy shop and FB artist page as well! :D I'm looking forward to doing a ton of paintings and sketches this week.

I hope you join us Sunday and Wednesday to see our successes, and yes, our failures. We are working to become better artists, but along the way, you always have a flop or two...or ten :S LOL But you also have many successes! I also hope that you are inspired to be creative in your own way with us!

Have a good one!

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