Monday, October 4, 2010

yeah me :)

LOL yeah. I got to go to the fair. Bummer I lost my camera, but otherwise, a fodder of delicious inputs both for the writer and artist in me. Lots of drama, moods, colors, sounds-a veritable feast. I'm sure it will be helpful in at least one story :)

I'm still trying to get the fall cleaning done. I got a bunch of stuff from my sisters house and I do believe the baby and I are allergic to something from their. Our noses haven't quit running and his eyes are puffy:( I went through it all. Only 2 boxes left to wash. One for me and one for the dishes I'm giving my daughter.

My mind is starting into full writing gear and wanting the fall cleaning done aleady! Once it's done, I will have more time for writing and art and I will have a place for it! I have to finish a short story now, so got to go!

You all have a good day. I will be writing again soon!

PS My FINAL twitter handle is @L_Bushman :) follow me and send me lots of followers :) I will follow back if not spam.

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