Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tis the season

Apparently, everyone goes on hiatus for the next two weeks. That means less blogs to read, which will help me get my packing done :P I am trying hard not to get too excited at the possible series, but I can't help it. I sent in a short story, so I asked them a question, and it went something like this: "As hope springs eternal, I'm outlying where I want the series to go. Do they all have to be shorts or will I get to do novel length as well." See, I sent in a novella originally.

Well, the reply was something to the effect of they are looking for novels under 80k :) Yeah me. So anyways, I'm starting with the original and beefing it up some. Only need to add like 40k. **insert a little tongue in cheek there**

Then I need to get an idea basis for at least two more right away. I've already got an idea for one of them. May set next one in some exotic locale. Have to see if there are any instant rejects on locale with this publisher. I'm thinking maybe Hawii. My MIL and people who work with my FIL have been there, and one person I know has a daughter living there, so I'll have lots of pics and info to work from.

Plus, I have to finish the thriller. I'm stuck in a part in Chicago. Not sure of the timeline I want to follow. However, thanks to James Martin, an old classmate of mine, I have lots of good info on the area. I promised him a copy of the book if it ever got published. Of course, I'll also thanki him in the acknowledgements. There is a contest happening that this book would do well in, so I need to get it finished ASAP. Nothing like deadlines to get me going :D

Procrastinators Unite! Tomorrow. Anyone ever hear that phrase? lol

Well, it's off to packing and writing for me. Not to mention babies and boys to watch and manage. Wish me luck :)

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